Servicequalität ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg des Wasserstrahlschneidens:
A machine builder’s business case
Independent machine builders considering a machine purchase are inspired by more than just the universal price-quality ratio. The quality of service and process backup that a machine supplier can offer post-sale makes the difference. It’s been eleven years since the Dutch AFW (Apparaten Fabricage Waalwijk BV) purchased a waterjet machine from Resato. Wim van der Wilk represents the third generation of the family business, which originally started with the construction of pump skids. He vividly remembers the old days before the waterjet was introduced: “Previously, everything was done with scissors, punching machines, and press brakes, making the fabrication of our pieces a much longer process.”
Vielfalt der Materialien:
Since the company has been equipped with the waterjet, it can handle a greater diversity of materials. This broadened the horizon for projects. Van der Wilk: “Our company specializes in custom metal work in small series up to about fifty pieces. However, we regularly cut non-metallic materials such as carbon and fiberglass-reinforced plastics with our waterjet.”
AFW führt auch Wartungs- und Überholungsarbeiten für den LNG-Sektor und die Wasserstoffindustrie durch, einschließlich des Baus spezieller Behälter.
Van der Wilk: “That waterjet has brought us so many more opportunities. The flexibility you create with it is unsurpassed; you can really do everything yourself. For example, we now make a whole range of products that we could only dream of before. Also, as far as metalworking is concerned, we no longer need to outsource anything. Everything happens here.”
AFW hat sich daran gewöhnt, so viele Zerspanungsarbeiten auf dieser Maschine zu erledigen, dass das Unternehmen auch ziemlich abhängig von ihr geworden ist. Ein gutes Beispiel ist eine spezielle Art von Messern, die AFW herstellt. Die Metallurgie verträgt keine starke Hitzeeinwirkung wie beim Laserschneiden und kann daher nur mit dem Wasserstrahl geschnitten werden.
Technische Unterstützung von Resato
Rapid flexible response to a request is almost directly linked to the availability of the Resato waterjet. This makes the technical post-sale support that Resato offers a crucial factor. Van der Wilk: “We can call Resato at any time; its technical team is competent, flexible, and generally capable of mobilizing within one or two days to tackle any opportunity.” The good relationship with AFW as a customer has also benefited Resato. Both parties regularly exchange professional tips and process know-how, which prove invaluable within waterjet technology. By sharing knowledge with users who do not compete with each other, they can all learn and improve faster.
Van der Wilk: “The process has a relatively high trial-and-error factor, especially when experimenting with new materials. With the basic parameters you get from Resato, you have a good starting basis, but finding the ideal settings of abrasive supply, pressure, and cutting speed is a constant search. You learn as you go along. For instance, when you have to cut pieces of carbon fiber for the first time, it’s a major challenge. It has to be right the first time, because you can’t rework that kind of material.”